搜索 丹尼斯·韦弗

  • 主人公是一个叫戴维·曼恩(丹尼斯·韦弗 Dennis Weaver 饰)的中年男人,这天他在空无一人的州际公路上独自驾车。随后一辆大卡车出现了,挡在戴维前面,他毫不客气地超过对方。而后两车在公路上互相超了对方的车,一开始戴维还气冲冲地想超过对方走在前面,后来他却发现大卡车司机像发疯一样想置他于死地。他只好停下来,在路边餐厅整顿一下准…
  • High Noon tells the story of a lawman named Will Kane (Skerritt) who has just married a young bride, Amy (Thompson), promising to leave his dangerous career and settle down for a quiet life. Just as they are about to leave, word comes that a vicious killer Kane had sent to prison years earlier, is coming to town on the…
  • 糊涂太空人
    The Americans and Russians each have a two-person base on the Moon The Americans have had to keep replacing their astronaut teams because they quickly go crazy; they have been using only male astronauts on the unspoken assumption that this would avoid any possibility of impropriety. The Russians, as godless Communists,…
  • 狄亚伯洛大决斗
  • 在1952年韩战正打得火热的时候。美国海军77特战队飞行员布鲁贝克(威廉·霍尔登饰),经常出生入死,执行最艰巨的任务,刚从海中救援后,又要执行炸毁独孤桥任务。在两峡谷之间,不能转身、俯冲,不知要直飞或低飞,满山遍野都是高射炮阵地,这就是独孤里桥。